Admission of a child to Russian citizenship

Приём ребёнка в гражданство РФ

A child, one of whose parents has Russian citizenship and the other parent is a foreign citizen, may be accepted into Russian citizenship in a simplified manner upon application by the parent who is a Russian citizen.

Required documents

  • Statement

Completed in Russian in one copy.

for children over 14 years old – in two copies.

  • Photograph of a child

Size – 3.5 x 4.5 cm, full face, on a light background:

for children under 6 years old – no photo required

for children from 6 to 14 years old – 1 piece.

for children over 14 years old – 3 pcs.

  • Child’s birth certificate

Original and copies of all pages.

The original birth certificate issued by a foreign authority and written in a foreign language must be certified with the Apostille stamp and translated into Russian (including the Apostille stamp). The accuracy of the translation is certified by a notary in Russia or at the Consulate General.

  • Valid passport of the parent who is a citizen of Russia

Original and copy of the page with personal data. If available, the “internal” passport of a citizen of Russia is also presented: original and copy of the page with personal data.

The full name of the child’s parent in Russian in the passport must match his personal data in the translation of the birth certificate.

If a parent changes their last name, first name or patronymic, it is necessary to apply for a new passport in accordance with the new identification data.

(In the event that a parent who is a citizen of Russia changes their last name, first name or patronymic) a document certifying the change of name

Original and copies of all pages of the following documents:

certificate of change of surname, first name or patronymic;

marriage certificate.

Other documents that allow you to trace the sequence of changes in the installation data.

Original documents issued by foreign authorities and drawn up in a foreign language must be certified with the Apostille stamp and translated into Russian (including the Apostille stamp). The accuracy of the translation is certified by a notary in Russia or at the Consulate General.

  • Documents confirming the fact that the parent (citizen of Russia) and the child reside in Germany.

If you are a citizen of the Federal Republic of Germany, you must have a German identity card (Personalausweis) or a German passport (Reisepass).

The specified document is submitted in the original (apostille is not required) with a translation into Russian, the accuracy of which is certified by a notary in Russia or at the Consulate General.

If you do not hold German citizenship, you will need a residence permit in Germany (Aufenthaltstitel, Niederlassungserlaubnis) or a certificate of registration at your place of residence (Meldebescheinigung, Erweiterte Meldebescheinigung).

The residence permit is presented in the original (apostille is not required) with a translation into Russian. The accuracy of the translation is certified by a notary in Russia or at the Consulate General.

The original certificate of registration at the place of residence must be certified with the stamp “Apostille” and translated into Russian (including the stamp “Apostille”). The accuracy of the translation is certified by a notary in Russia or at the Consulate General.

  • Document certifying the identity and citizenship of the second parent

The specified document is submitted in the original (apostille is not required) with a translation into Russian, the accuracy of which is certified by a notary in Russia or at the Consulate General.

  • Written consent of the second parent, who is not a citizen of Russia, for the child to acquire Russian citizenship

It is issued in the personal presence of the second parent by a notary in Russia or at the Consulate General.

  • For children aged 14 to 18 years, the child’s written consent to acquire Russian citizenship

It is issued in the personal presence of the child by a notary in Russia or at the Consulate General.

  • For children aged 14 to 18, it is mandatory to present the original and a copy of the “internal” passport of the parent-applicant

Or the applicant parent must first undergo a citizenship check.

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