Migration registration of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation

Миграционный учет иностранных граждан в Российской Федерации

If a foreign citizen decides to come to the Russian Federation, he needs to know some basic rules for the stay of foreign citizens in Russia

Please treat this information with great responsibility. The success of a foreign citizen’s trip may depend on it.

Since January 2007, the Federal Law “On Migration Registration of Foreign Citizens and Stateless Persons in the Russian Federation” and the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation “On Approval of the Rules for the Implementation of Migration Registration of Foreign Citizens and Stateless Persons in the Russian Federation” have abolished the registration of foreign citizens and stateless persons at the place of stay and introduced  migration registration  of foreign citizens at the place of stay in the Russian Federation.

The procedure for registration for migration purposes is the notification (notification) of the territorial body of the Federal Migration Service about the arrival of a foreign citizen to the place of stay and must be carried out within three working days after the arrival of the foreign citizen in the Russian Federation. It is important to know that all procedures for registration for migration purposes are carried out by  the Receiving Party , the foreign citizen himself does not need to contact any organizations and waste time.

Upon arrival at the place of stay, a foreign citizen presents to the Receiving Party his passport and migration card, which is filled out upon entry into the Russian Federation.

The host party  may be either Russian citizens or foreign citizens or stateless persons (with a residence permit) permanently residing in the Russian Federation, as well as legal entities, their branches or representative offices, with whom the foreign citizen actually resides (is located) or works.

When a foreign citizen is accommodated in a hotel, the Host Party is the hotel administration, which within one day notifies the territorial body of the Federal Migration Service of the arrival of the foreign citizen, and also carries out all necessary actions related to the registration of foreign citizens and is responsible for compliance with the established rules of stay.

All actions required for registration are carried out by the hotel administration.

The host party, on the basis of the documents presented by the foreign citizen, fills out a special  notification form  about the arrival of the foreign citizen at the place of stay  (hereinafter referred to as the Notification)  . Then, within one day, the host party submits the said form, a copy of the foreign citizen’s passport and migration card to the territorial body of the Federal Migration Service directly or sends it by mail. No state fee is charged for registration for migration purposes.

There are special windows in postal service organizations where the Receiving Party will be provided with a Notification form to fill out. Notification forms are provided free of charge. A corresponding fee is charged for the services of receiving a Notification at a postal service organization, as established by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 15, 2007, No. 10. Currently, this fee is 180 rubles.

The territorial body of the Federal Migration Service or the postal service organization that has received the completed Notification and the copies specified above from the Receiving Party shall mark the Notification as having been received and return the tear-off portion of the Notification to the Receiving Party.

The receiving party shall give the foreign citizen the tear-off part of the Notification.  The foreign citizen’s possession of the tear-off part of the Notification with the stamped mark confirms his/her registration for migration purposes .

A foreign citizen has the right to independently notify the migration registration authorities of his/her arrival at the place of stay if there are documented valid reasons (illness, physical inability, etc.) that prevent the host party from independently sending a notification to the migration registration authority.

A foreign citizen permanently residing in the Russian Federation also has the right to independently notify the relevant migration registration authority of his arrival at the place of stay, either directly or in the established manner by mail with the written consent of the host party.

Upon departure, the foreign citizen shall hand over the detachable part of the Notification to the Receiving Party for its direct submission or sending by mail to the territorial body of the Federal Migration Service. The Receiving Party is obliged to perform such actions within two working days after the departure of the foreign citizen.

Please note that the period of temporary stay of a foreign citizen in the Russian Federation is determined by the validity period of the visa issued to him.

The period of temporary stay in the Russian Federation of a foreign citizen who arrived in the Russian Federation in a manner that does not require a visa may not exceed ninety days, except in cases stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

A foreign citizen is obliged to leave the Russian Federation upon expiration of the permitted period of stay. To extend the validity of a visa or the period of stay, it is necessary to contact the migration service authorities in advance, before the expiration of the above-mentioned period.

Violation of migration registration rules may entail administrative liability of a foreign citizen in the form of a fine of 2,000 to 5,000 rubles, and in some cases, deportation from the Russian Federation. In this case, a foreign citizen who has been subjected to administrative deportation may be denied entry to the Russian Federation for up to five years.

Having photocopies of your passport, migration card and tear-off part of the Notification in case of their loss or any other unforeseen circumstances will help prove the availability of documents and compliance with the rules of migration registration.

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