Checklist when leaving Germany

Чек лист при отъезде из Германии

To make sure you have thought of everything before you leave, we have prepared this expat checklist for you. Prepare your emigration at your leisure and work through all the points one by one,to prepare well for the big day.

Basic information

  • Learn more about your host country: read specialist travel guides and expat blogs to learn about life there.
  • Learn a language through a language course or a self-study program.
  • Teaching Children: Inform the school of your departure and yourself about study abroad opportunities.

Medical preparations

  • Have each family member undergo a medical examination (doctor, optician, dentist…). Take x-rays and prescriptions for necessary medications in Thailand.
  • Vaccinations: Visit the website of the Federal Foreign Office to find out which vaccinations are mandatory and which are recommended. Schedule any vaccinations that need to be repeated.
  • Insurance: Be sure to take out international medical insurance that covers medical expenses, offers assistance services, includes personal liability insurance, etc. APRIL International Expat offers powerful insurance coverage.
  • Prepare a first aid kit with necessary and useful medicines.
  • Bring with you: international vaccination certificate, blood type card, important medical reports, x-rays.

Important administrative procedures, etc.

  • Apply for a visa to your destination country.
  • Notify the authorities about your move: the registry office, the tax office, the pension insurance office…
  • Pension: Check with your pension provider about how your pension rights are taken into account.
  • Apply for an International Driving Permit.
  • Contact your bank: find out the conditions for transferring money and open an account abroad.
  • Mail: Ask to forward your mail to a specialist company or post office.
  • Book your tickets (plane, train, ship) in advance.


  • Check the validity of passports of all family members.
  • Make photocopies of all important documents: family register, birth certificates, diplomas… You can also scan these documents and send them to your email address for access anywhere in the world.
  • Take passport photos.
  • Translate important documents.


  • Cancel subscriptions: phone, internet, sports club…
  • Cancel insurance contracts: car insurance, home contents insurance, etc., additional health insurance, water, electricity, gas, waste supplier…


  • House/Apartment: Notify your landlord or sell or rent out your apartment.
  • Car: Manage what happens to your car in Germany and plan to rent/buy a car locally.
  • Moving abroad: Get some estimates to help you choose an international moving company. You can also store your belongings.
  • Sell ​​anything you don’t want to keep for yourself: place classified ads, use online auctions.
  • Pack your bags and send the excess weight via a specialized logistics company (DHL, Fedex…).


  • Pets: find out what vaccinations are required and what formalities need to be completed before departure (import permit, quarantine…), as well as the conditions of transport.
  • Bring food/food (if possible) that is not available in your new country.
  • Share your new address with your friends and family.
  • Create a blog to tell about your new life as an expat!

Download the checklist in pdf format

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